2023, so far

If you take a look you’ll notice that it’s been a long time since I published a blog post, or even really done anything with this site. Frankly, I don’t know why. I’ve taken lots of pictures and I miss sitting down to write. My job is not particularly engaging, and work in higher education right now is a less-than-hopeful enterprise, as it is very hard to escape the demographics of a declining high school age population, so photography is my escape from that negativity. Perhaps it’s just inertia, as it is hard to get a stationary object moving again. Maybe it’s that I feel like I don’t have much to say that hasn’t been said before. Could it be that I feel like everyone shares a bit too much these days and so I wonder why should I add to that?

K and I have talked and both of us find comfort in our art - K in her watercolor painting and I in my photography - and would love to be able to build to the point where we can both generate some income from our craft, maybe not to the point of replacing all of our current income but at least supplementing it enough to make an earlier-than-planned departure from higher education a possibility. And I’m certainly not going to be able to do that without making some changes. So that’s what I’m thinking about… and it’s not easy when entrepreneurship is not my forte. The first change is a re-commitment to this site. In some ways this may become a public journal of that journey and a way of holding myself to account.

I’ve been fortunate to have been able to travel to Puerto Rico, Minnesota’s North Shore and Maine this year and have plenty of photos to share from those locations and places much closer to home in the coming days and weeks.

So anyway, if you happen to be reading this and don’t see any progress, give me a shout and a virtual kick in the butt. Thanks!


The North Shore


Fall has come (and gone)